This community, about 25 km east of Charlottetown was founded in late 1680s by Scottish, Irish and British Loyalist settlers, Orwell was named in 1830 either for Sir Francis Orwell, England’s Minister of Plantations or for the River Orwell in Suffolk, England.

By the mid-1800s, the community had grown large enough to support a school, several churches, and a post office.   Area crops  include potatoes and strawberries. In the late 1800s, a railway line was built through the community, which helped to connect Orwell’s farmers with markets in Charlottetown and beyond. During the early 1900s, Orwell continued to grow and prosper.

A prominent on of Orwell is Sir Andrew Macphail, who’s love of medicine and journalism led him to become a professor at Montreal’s McGill University and become the first editor of the Canadian Medical Journal and develop several new strains of potatoes.

Two special celebrations also take place every summer: the Strawberry Social in Mid July and the Scottish Festival and Highland Games in late August. At the former guests gulp down heaping portions of ice cream and strawberries and join in games and dances. The Scottish Festival recreates games played by their ancestors such as hammer throwing, tossing the caber (similar to a telephone pole) and putting the stone.


Orwell Corner

(902) 902-651-8510;
Join Urban Carmichael, Connor O’Callaghan and weekly guests in concert celebrating Prince Edward Island’s Celtic heritage. Songs, fiddle, storytelling, off the wall humour and much more. Tickets.

Orwell Corner Historic Village

Route 205, Orwell, PE
(902) 651-8510; fax (902) 368-6608

Experience the life and times of a rural crossroads community in the 1890s. Visitors can explore authentic period buildings and learn about traditional farming techniques, blacksmithing, and other aspects of daily life from costumed interpreters. Includes blacksmith shop, store, house, farm, school, church, community hall, tea room. Open mid-May to early  October. Admission. PEI Museum members admitted free. Group rates available.

The Ceilidhs at the Corner are now so popular that you should arrive early at the small community hall. The historic village’s atmosphere is delightful, with the path from the parking lot and the hall itself are lit by lanterns. Performances: mid-June to late September, 6 Wednesdays 8 pm)

Sir Andrew Macphail Homestead

271 Macphail Park Road, Orwell, PE,
902 654-2789

This heritage site is the former home of Sir Andrew Macphail, a renowned Canadian physician, author, and professor.  This home was built in 1850 and has a 65 hectare (160 acres) spread includes a carriage house and barn, a playhouse, and nature trails. Guided tours are available. Allow 1 hour minimum. Open late June to early September, Sunday-Monday and Wednesday-Friday 10 to 8:30 , and Tues & Sat 10 am to 6 pm. Admission by donation.

Orwell / Park Corner, PEI Area Map