Brandon, “the Wheat City,” is the second largest city in Manitoba, with a population of 40,000. The city has a wide range of accommodation, convention and restaurant facilities, along with lots of winter activities and summer festivals.

Manitoba’s second largest city was incoproated in 1892 and was named for Brandon House, a trading post the Hudson’s Bay company erected in 1793. The trading post was named for Douglas Hamilton (1756-1799), 7th Duke of Hamilton who became the 4th Duke of Brandon in 1882, when he entered the House of Lords.

The town has a number of designated heritage sites including the 1890 Fraser Block (1031 Rosser Ave) and the 1912 Henry F Maley House (1605 Victoria Ave, now a bed & breakfast), 1884 Brandon Court House (11th & Princes), the 1912 Brandon Normal School (1129 Queen’s Avenue), the Merchants Bank (Now the Chamber of Commerce), and the 1888 Villa Louise (707 Louise Ave).

Recreational facilities include the Canada Games Sportsplex, with racquetball courts, and ice arena, Olympic-sized pool, indoor water slide and speedskating oval.

Annual Events

Dakota Ojibway Winter Tribal Days (late January), Sun-Dog Ice Carnival ((late February), Royal Manitoba Winter Fair (Late March), Manitoba Summer Fair “Provincial Ex” (June), Brandon Folk Music and Art Festival (July), Downtown Brandon International Picklefest (early September), Manitoba Fall Fair (November)<BR>


26th Field Regiment Museum

Brandon Armoury, 11th Street & Victoria Ave
Military artifacts, memorabilia and archives portray the history of this field regiment and its service in several wars. Open year-round Tuesday 7 pm – 9 pm, July & August 2 pm to 4 pm

Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba

638 Princess Ave
This museum is in the library building and exhibits art by local, national and international artists. Open year-round Monday – Saturday 10 am to 5 pm, plus Mon & Thurs 5 pm to 9 pm. Closed Saturday in July & August, and statutory holidays.

BJ Hales Museum of Natural History

Brandon University, McMaster Hall
This museum has over 500 specimens of birds and mammals, as well as geological displays and interactive exhibits. Open weekdays 1 pm to 4 pm, and Monday Wednesday Friday also 10 am to 1 pm. Group tours by appointment.

Brandon Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Station

Grand Valley Rd off Highway 10 (18th Street North)
This research station, was one of the original five experimental farms in 1886, and develops new field crops, fruits and agricultural practices. Open weekdays 8 am to 4:30 pm, with free admission. Drive through and guided tours on request every Tuesday and Thursday at 1:30 pm and 3:30 pm, and offers tours from May through September.

Canada Games Sportsplex

30 Knowlton Drive
This facility includes an arena, 50 metre handicap-accessible pool with a 104 foot waterslide, 3 racquetball courts, 4 indoor tennis courts, track & field, playground, paddle pool, and an outdoor skating rink. Admission charged.

Carousels and Dolls Museum

3.75 km east of Brandon at junction of hwy 1 & 10
Large display of modern and antique dolls including a large collection of Barbie dolls back to 1960. Open weekdays 10 am to 4 pm from May to December, other days, timed months by appointment, Admission charged.

Commonwealth Air Training Museum

Hanger 1 Brandon Airport
Dedicated to preserving the history of the Commonwealth Air Training Program in 1939-1945, Canada’s biggest contribution to the Second World War. Exhibits include the aircraft used to train airmen, photos, artifacts and memorabilia of the period. A chapel contains the names of the 18,000 who died in the air services in WWII. Open daily 9 am to 4 pm, May 1 to Oct 1.;12 non to 4 pm the rest of the year. Admission $2.50, children $1.25.

Daly House Museum

122 18th St
The home of Brandon’s first mayor was built in 1882, and is furnished with late 19th century pieces, photos and artifacts. Display also includes the Mutter Bros. general store and Brandon’s old city council chambers. Allow 1 hour. Open Wed-Sun 10 am to 12 noon and 1pm to 5 pm. Adults admission is $5.00, Seniors & Students $4.00, Family $10.00 (Two adults and three children).

The Stott Site

Grand Valley Provincial Park
This provincial heritage site is a n important bison kill site where bones and artifacts dating back over 1,000 years have been found.

Brandon Manitoba Area Map