This town is east of Winnipeg on the Trans-Canada highway. Official town (chambe of commerce) web site is:

Falcon Trail Resort-Credit Travel Manitoba
Falcon Trail Resort-Credit Travel Manitoba


Whiteshell Provincial Park

The park is accessed via Trans-Canada highway 1E.
200 lakes and 12 rivers run through this park which includes the Winnipeg River. West hawk Lake, on the Ontario border is one of the deepest lakes in Manitoba, formed by a meteor impact over 100 million years ago. The Alfred Hole Goose Sanctuary is nesting ground for the Giant Canada Goose, which was believed to be extinct from 1930 to 1960 (observation deck open weekdays 9 am – 5 pm, weekends and holidays 10 am to 6 pm from late May to mid-October). You can also see the Bannock Point Petroforms, in the shape of animals and birds created by the Assininear Betula Lake. The park is popular for the sports of canoeing, lawn bowling, hiking, horseshoes, horseback riding, swimming, sailing, scuba diving, sailing, cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, snowmobiling, and snowshoeing.

Whiteshell Kayaking-Credit MayContain Studio-Courtesy of Travel Manitoba
Whiteshell Kayaking-Credit MayContain Studio-Courtesy of Travel Manitoba

Falcon Lake Town Map