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Minnedosa, Manitoba

Minnedosa is a town located on the Yellowhead Route #16, and is about 100 km Northwest of Portage la Prairie. The town has a population of over 2,500 people and  Minnedosa is known for its natural beauty, with nearby attractions such as Lake Minnedosa and Riding Mountain National Park.

Minnedosa History

The area where Minnedosa is situated has a rich history that dates back to the time of the First Nations peoples. The Assiniboine and Cree Nations were the original inhabitants of the area and lived off the land for many years before European settlers arrived. The town’s name is derived from the Cree word “Minidoza”, which means “clear blue water”.

The first European settlers in the area arrived in the late 1800s. The town of Minnedosa was officially established in 1884, and it quickly became a hub of activity due to its location along the Canadian Pacific Railway.  In the early 1900s, Minnedosa experienced a boom in agriculture, with wheat and other crops being grown in the surrounding area. The railway made the town a key transportation and regional commercial hub.

Tthe Minnedosa Agricultural Society Fair was first held in 1888 and is still held annually. The fair showcases the town’s agricultural heritage and attracts visitors from all over the region.

A notable event in Minnedosa’s history is the Great Fire of 1908, which destroyed much of the town’s business district. The town was quickly rebuilt, and many of the buildings that were constructed at that time still stand today, giving Minnedosa a unique and historic charm.

Minnedosa in Fall- Credit Travel Manitoba
Minnedosa in Fall- Credit Travel Manitoba

Minnedosa Attracations

Minnedosa Beach

Minnedosa Beach Rd, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0

(204) 867-2830


Minnedosa Beach is a popular destination for swimming, sunbathing, and picnicking. It is located on the shore of Lake Minnedosa and offers a beautiful view of the surrounding area

Minnedosa Heritage Village

50 George St, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0

(204) 867-2802


The Minnedosa Heritage Village is a living history museum that showcases what life was like in the area in the late 1800s and early 1900s. It features several historic buildings, including a schoolhouse, a church, and a general store

Minnedosa Golf and Country Club

49 9th Ave SE, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0

(204) 867-3151


The Minnedosa Golf and Country Club is a 9-hole golf course that is open to the public. It offers a challenging and scenic course, as well as a clubhouse with a restaurant and bar.

Minnedosa Museum and Heritage Village

70 Main St N, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0

(204) 867-2260


The Minnedosa Museum and Heritage Village is a museum that features exhibits on the town’s history, including displays on agriculture, industry, and local culture. It is located in a restored heritage building that dates back to 1902.

Riding Mountain National Park

Address: Highway 10 N, Onanole, MB R0J 1N0.

(204) 867-2260


Riding Mountain National Park is located just outside of Minnedosa and offers a wide variety of outdoor activities, including hiking, camping, fishing, and wildlife watching.

Minnedosa Heritage Village-Credit Travel Manitoba
Minnedosa Heritage Village-Credit Travel Manitoba

Minnedosa, Manitoba Area Map