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ON Highway Itinerary: Sudbury to Mattawa

Why travel between Sudbury and Mattawa?

This route has four segments. From Sudbury to Lake Nipissing the highway is overland. Then, suddenly, for 20 kilometers, you have sweeping vistas of Lake Nipissing. At North Bay, Highway 11 can go south to Toronto, or north to many northern mining towns. East of North Bay, you pass the Mattawa River wilderness that early French fur-traders experienced. Near Mattawa, you enter the Ottawa Valley lowland, great for farming. What a dramatic transition to/from the 1600 kilometers of Canadian Shield to the west.

ON-Itinerary - Sudbury - Mattawa

Here is the itinerary for the 190 km along Highway #17 between Sudbury and Mattawa:

Greater Sudbury Area

Wanapatei Lake's West Bay, just north of the TCH, east of SudburySudbury is the location of a major meteor strike, which has embedded a rich concentration of metals in the ground. This area (very visible on satellite and aerial photos) is now known as the Sudbury Basin. Copper was first discovered by a CPR blacksmith in 1883, and the region was first deforested for its lumber and then plucked bare by prospectors. Nickel is key for manufacturing stainless steel, and copper is essential for conducting electricity.

Once nickel was discovered and extracted, the fumes from the refining process caused heavy “acid rain” in the region, killing off many of the remaining vegetation, making the region so barren that in the 1960s NASA used it as a stand-in for the moon in their astronaut training.

Superstack Behind Air DuctThe “Superstack” at Copper Cliff to the west of Sudbury, is 381 metres (1250 feet) high, was completed in 1972 to disperse the pollutants into the upper atmosphere. It is Canada’s second tallest structure, behind only the CN Tower. Since then, the Sudbury Region has begun a program of land reclamation & reforestation, and remediation and de-acidification of nearby lakes. Since the 1990s, the waste gases going into the Superstack were pre-processed to remove 90 % of the sulphur dioxide, with further improvements in emissions reduction planned.

Sudbury - Big Nickel On Regional Road 55 (CoverPhoto)
Sudbury - Big Nickel On Regional Road 55 (CoverPhoto)

Lake Nippissing view

The Voyageur Route

The route between Sudbury and Mattawa roughly follows the route of the French courier du bois (runners of the wood) and fur traders, though they took the water route following the Mattawa River, Lake Nippissing, and then the French River down to Lake Huron. You can see the French River from a viewpoint south of Sudbury,

The region between Warren and Sturgeon Falls is heavily dependent on the forest industry, with softwood white spruce and blue spruce, and hardwood species like ash, aspen, birch, basswood, elm and maple. These are processed at the mill a Sturgeon Falls.


The north shore of Lake Nippissing is mainly steep bluffs, with the flat terraces remaining from the ancient shoreline of the Nippissing Great Lake of the last Ice Age, used today for the rail and highway corridor along the lake’s edge. Much of the north shore is ceded as a Nippissing (Ojibewa) Indian Reservation. A statue on the west side of Lake Nippissing marks the point where in 1605 Samuel de Champlain passed through, on his path to Lake Huron via the French River, before heading south to Lake Simcoe and back to Lake Ontario and the St Lawrence River.

Mattawa area Pond With LiliesNorth Bay's Jet Park, at Highway 11
North Bay is the Gateway to Ontario’s North. It is connected to Toronto via Highway 11 (paving completed in 1939), an extension of that city’s Yonge Street, which continues to Nipigon on the north shore of Lake Superior (construction completed in 1943). North Bay was the 1934 birthplace of the Dionne Quintuplets. North Bay was also the last Canadian base with nuclear (defensive) missiles, before their removal in 1968 by then-prime minister Trudeau.

Highway 17 Rock Cuts east of North Bay, ON-sliver
Highway 17 Rock Cuts east of North Bay, ON-sliver

Mattawa-OttawaRiver4The Forests along the Matawa River

The Trans-Canada between North Bay and Mattawa follows the path of the early voyageurs along the Mattawa River. In the 1600s, fur traders and Jesuit missionaries followed this route to the Great Lakes and to get to the mouth of the Mississippi (via Lake Michigan to a short portage at today’s Chicago). Recent settlement and encroachment has forced big game to seek protection in Algonquin Park to the south.

Mattawa area businesses, attractions, and accommodations are found in the Ottawa Locale Directory below.

Ottawa River Valley

As you approach Mattawa, you notice the land is less rugged, as you leave the Canadian Shield and enter the St Lawrence Lowlands eco-zone, and the soils are  better suited to farming. The Ottawa River  is a maor tributary of the St Lawrence, and is 1271 km (790mi) long, and  drains a vast area of 146,300 km2 (56,500 sq mi) up to almost Val d’Or in Quebec and Lake Abitibi in Ontario. The river is so long that in Spring there are TWO flood seasons, one from meltwater of the lower Ottawa River, and another a few weeks later from meltwater from the upper Ottawa River.

Search Listings along this Itinerary

Visit Ottawa-Gatineau-national capital


Visit Sudbury, Ontario


Trans-Canada Highway Itinerary Map

Use mouse to drag/move map. Click on “+” or “” to zoom in or out. “Satellite” combines map & photo.

Elevation Chart: Sudbury to Mattawa

E;levation Chart for itinerary from Sudbury to Mattawa
E;levation Chart for itinerary from Sudbury to Mattawa

Itinerary Details

Highway Point & Features
0Park St (Mattawa 170.4


0Pine Street, Mattawa Train Station, Tourist Information Centre (Mattawa ) 162.5


0Junction Valois Drive (17S), Main St (Highway 533 N), and McConnal St (Hwy 17 W) (Mattawa159.7


2Chenier Rd (S)169.2


2Louis St (N) services (Mattawa ) 166.4


4Champlain Lake Rd, accommodation175.3


5Old Highway 17 (N) & Nealt Rd (N)177.1


7Taggatt Lake Rd (S)191.4


9Old Highway 17 (N)221.9


11Boundary Rd (S)200.9


18Highway Junction #630185.3


18Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park183.2


27Talon Lake Rd, Rutherglen240.5


32Trout Pond Rd (S), Pine Lake Rd (N) to Mattawa River PP (4 km)255.1


36Highway Junction #531 S to Bonfield, accommodation220.1


48Highway 94, gas223.7


55Trout Lake, view to N199.9


56Truck stop on N side of hwy207.6


56Bayview Rd, Race track and Go-cart track on N side of hwy206.3


58Acme Rd (S), Twin Lake N, services207.3


58Lake to N of hwy207.6


59Exit to #11 South to Barrie, Toronto (North Bay203.9


60Major intersection #17B Fisher St (W) (North Bay) 204.2


60Railway level crossing (North Bay) 208.8


60Seymour St intersection (North Bay) 209.4


61Major intersection #63 Cassells St (W) and Trout Lake Rd (E) (North Bay202.1


62Obrien St (North Bay) 218.8


62Frost St N (WB only) (North Bay) 216.4


63Major intersection Highway 11B (N) shopping, all services, Algonquin Ave (S) all services (North Bay) 235


65Cormanville Rd intersection (North Bay) 216.4


66east boundary of Nipissing Indian Reserve 10 south of highway (North Bay) 211.2


67Highway Junction #17B North Bay city centre west access (North Bay) 209.7


68RV dealer S side of hwy220.1


83Beaucage Park Rd (S)200.6


86Crossing Little Sturgeon River202.1


87Riding Stable Rd (N)200.3


96Golf Course Rd (N) west boundary of Nipissing Indian Reserve 10 south of highway210


99Coursol Rd, all services to W (Sturgeon Falls ) 208.8


100Ottawa St, OPP, Highway 64 N, to Marten River Provincial Park, Cobalt, Kirkland Lake, Cochrane (Sturgeon Falls209.7


100Sturgeon River crossing, Historical Plaque, S side (Sturgeon Falls197.2


100King Street, all services to E (Sturgeon Falls ) 207.6


104Levac Rd (W), services and accommodation, Drive-In Rd (E) (Cache Bay) 202.4


114Avenue Gingras (S) access to Verner (Verner) 202.1


116Highway 64 S (Verner) 205.7


117Hwy 575 (N) and Cartier St (S) to Old Highway 17 to west (Verner208.8


123Deer Lake Rd (N) (Verner) 202.4


128Old Highway 17 (S) heading east, Picnic grounds on north side of highway203.3


131Highway 539 N to Warren, Nipissing Rd (S) (Warren) 203


136River Crossing202.4


138Labine Rd, W to Hagar (Hagar) 217.9


139Highway 535, S to Hagar (Hagar) 222.8


146Picnic grounds on north side of highway206


150Main St (N) to Markstay, (Markstay) 235.6


152Pioneer St W, west access to Markstay, services (Markstay) 212.8


155Chain Lake Rd (S). MacLean Rd (NO224.3


159Kukagami Rd (N)259.4


162Sunset Rd261.8


167Mill Rd (N) (Wahnapitae) 254.2


167Norvic Motel, S side of hwy254.8


170Colonization Rd (N) to Lake Wanapitae, Hwy 537 (Hill St) S to town of Wanup (14 km)and Hwy 69 (Wahnapitae) 260.3


171Mountain View ST (N) Glenbower Cr (S)237.1


171Wanapitae River Crossing239.9


173CPR Railway underpass (Coniston) 258.2


175Highway 90 (N) N to Garson (8 km), Falconbridge, Sudbury Airport (17 km) and Wanapitei Lake (22 km) (Coniston) 247.8


175Birch St access to Hwy 67 W to Coniston (Coniston) 248.4


176Highway Junction #74, S to Coniston, smelter, services, accommodation, small airfield, Nickel Centre Information Centre246.9


179Highway 55 Intersection W to Sudbury, via Kingsway (9 km) all services (Sudbury) 255.4


180CP Rail overpass & intersection Highway 67 W to Sudbury via Bancroft Dr, Allan St E to Coniston (2 km) (Sudbury) 278


185Lake Laurentian Conservation Area, eastern boundary (Sudbury) 271.6


187Lake Laurentian Conservation Area, western boundary (Sudbury270.1


190Major Interchange Highway 46 (Regent St) N into Sudbury, all services & hospital, and Highway 69 S to OPP, Parry Sound, Barrie, Toronto (Sudbury266.1


Highway Point & Features

Highway Point & Features
0Major Interchange Highway 46 (Regent St) N into Sudbury, all services & hospital, and Highway 69 S to OPP, Parry Sound, Barrie, Toronto (Sudbury266.1


3Lake Laurentian Conservation Area, western boundary (Sudbury) 270.1


5Lake Laurentian Conservation Area, eastern boundary (Sudbury) 271.6


10CP Rail overpass & intersection Highway 67 W to Sudbury via Bancroft Dr, Allan St E to Coniston (2 km) (Sudbury) 278


11Highway 55 Intersection W to Sudbury, via Kingsway (9 km) all services (Sudbury) 255.4


14Highway Junction #74, S to Coniston, smelter, services, accommodation, small airfield, Nickel Centre Information Centre246.9


15Highway 90 (N) N to Garson (8 km), Falconbridge, Sudbury Airport (17 km) and Wanapitei Lake (22 km) (Coniston) 247.8


15Birch St access to Hwy 67 W to Coniston (Coniston) 248.4


17CPR Railway underpass (Coniston) 258.2


19Mountain View ST (N) Glenbower Cr (S)237.1


19Wanapitae River Crossing239.9


20Colonization Rd (N) to Lake Wanapitae, Hwy 537 (Hill St) S to town of Wanup (14 km)and Hwy 69 (Wahnapitae) 260.3


23Mill Rd (N) (Wahnapitae) 254.2


23Norvic Motel, S side of hwy254.8


28Sunset Rd261.8


31Kukagami Rd (N)259.4


35Chain Lake Rd (S). MacLean Rd (NO224.3


38Pioneer St W, west access to Markstay, services (Markstay) 212.8


40Main St (N) to Markstay, (Markstay) 235.6


44Picnic grounds on north side of highway206


51Highway 535, S to Hagar (Hagar) 222.8


52Labine Rd, W to Hagar (Hagar) 217.9


54River Crossing202.4


59Highway 539 N to Warren, Nipissing Rd (S) (Warren) 203


62Old Highway 17 (S) heading east, Picnic grounds on north side of highway203.3


67Deer Lake Rd (N) (Verner) 202.4


73Hwy 575 (N) and Cartier St (S) to Old Highway 17 to west (Verner) 208.8


74Highway 64 S (Verner 205.7


76Avenue Gingras (S) access to Verner (Verner) 202.1


86Levac Rd (W), services and accommodation, Drive-In Rd (E) (Cache Bay) 202.4


90Ottawa St, OPP, Highway 64 N, to Marten River Provincial Park, Cobalt, Kirkland Lake, Cochrane (Sturgeon Falls ) 209.7


90Sturgeon River crossing, Historical Plaque, S side (Sturgeon Falls197.2


90King Street, all services to E (Sturgeon Falls207.6


91Coursol Rd, all services to W (Sturgeon Falls208.8


94Golf Course Rd (N) west boundary of Nipissing Indian Reserve 10 south of highway210


103Riding Stable Rd (N)200.3


104Crossing Little Sturgeon River202.1


107Beacage Park Rd (S)200.6


122RV dealer S side of hwy220.1


123Highway Junction #17B North Bay city centre west access (North Bay) 209.7


124east boundary of Nipissing Indian Reserve 10 south of highway (North Bay) 211.2


125Cormanville Rd intersection (North Bay) 216.4


127Major intersection Highway 11B (N) shopping, all services, Algonquin Ave (S) all services (North Bay235


128Obrien St (North Bay) 218.8


128Frost St N (WB only) (North Bay) 216.4


129Major intersection #63 Cassells St (W) and Trout Lake Rd (E) (North Bay202.1


130Major intersection #17B Fisher St (W) (North Bay204.2


130Railway level crossing (North Bay) 208.8


130Seymour St intersection (North Bay) 209.4


131Exit to #11 South to Barrie, Toronto (North Bay203.9


132Acme Rd (S), Twin Lake N, services207.3


132Lake to N of hwy207.6


134Truck stop on N side of hwy207.6


134Bayview Rd, Race track and Go-cart track on N side of hwy206.3


135Trout Lake, view to N199.9


142Highway 94, gas223.7


154Highway Junction #531 S to Bonfield, accommodation220.1


158Trout Pond Rd (S), Pine Lake Rd (N) to Mattawa River PP (4 km)255.1


163Talon Lake Rd, Rutherglen240.5


172Highway Junction #630185.3


172Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park183.2


179Boundary Rd (S)200.9


181Old Highway 17 (N)221.9


183Taggatt Lake Rd (S)191.4


185Old Highway 17 (N) & Nealt Rd (N)177.1


186Champlain Lake Rd, accommodation175.3


188Chenier Rd (S)169.2


188Louis St (N) services (Mattawa 166.4


190Park St (Mattawa ) 170.4


190Pine Street, Mattawa Train Station, Tourist Information Centre (Mattawa ) 162.5


190Junction Valois Drive (17S), Main St (Highway 533 N), and McConnal St (Hwy 17 W) (Mattawa 159.7


Highway Point & Features