Hiking Trails (Summer)
Hiking can be done almost anywhere, but the best scenery and terrain is in the provincial and national parks. These parks provide marked and mapped trails to avoid getting lost.
Here are some good (and challenging) hikes right around Thunder Bay itself in any of the larger parks:
- Bluffs
- Mt Godfrey, south of town
- Mt Mckay, south of town
- Sleeping Giant, east of town
Cross-Country Ski Trails (Winter)
The City of Thunder Bay has created and maintains a series of cross country ski trails for city residents. These trails are maintained along the 30 kilometres of recreational pathways that run throughout the city.
Cross country ski trails can be found at the following locations:
- Along the Neebing River (in West Fort William)
- along the railway tracks in West Fort
- around Chapples Golf Course
- Confederation College/ Lakehead University lands
- George Burke Park
- along McVicar Creek and around County Park
- around Boulevard Lake
There are also extensive trails maintained by the Lappe Nordic Ski Club, north of the city