Hiking Trails (Summer)

Hiking can be done almost anywhere, but the best scenery and terrain is in the provincial and national parks. These parks provide marked and mapped trails to avoid getting lost.

There are some good areas right around Saskatoon itself in any of the larger regional parks.

Cross Country Trails (Winter)

Cross Country Skiers

There several areas in the city with cross country ski trails, groomed and maintained by the City of Saskatoon & the Saskatoon Nordic Ski Club. The most scenic are along the east and west banks of the South Saskatchewan River, with other trails in several parks and open space areas around town. Call the SKI TRAIL HOTLINE 975-3300 to get current ski trail snow conditions (in season).

Riverbank- West

    • Holiday Park Golf Course
      (Access at Avenue U South)
      Outside loop 3.5 km double tracked & skating track
  • Meewasin Park to Adilman Buffer
    (Access at east end of Adilman Drive or Meewasin Park)
    2 km single tracked
  • Upper/Lower Meewasin Park
    (at Pinehouse Drive and Whiteswan Drive)
    There is an Upper loop with a 3.4 km double tracked trail, and a Lower loop with a 4.8 km double-tracked trail
  • Victoria Park
    (off 16th St. West)
    a 2 km single-tracked trail

Riverbank- East

  • Diefenbaker Park
    (Ruth Street and St. Henry Avenue, near Exhibition Grounds)
    There is a South loop 5.6 km. double-tracked trail, and a North loop with a 7.2 km double-tracked trail & skating track
  • Rotary/Cosmopolitan Park
    (several access points along Spadina Crescent)
    There is a 2 km single tracked trail

Other Parks & Open Spaces

  • Forest Park
    (Access at Lowe Road, Nelson Road & Forest Drive)
    a 2 km single tracked trail with connecting link to Silverspring Park
  • Holiday Park Golf Course
    (Avenue U South or Clarence Downey Speed Skating Oval, by Ave. Q South)
    There is an Outside loop 7.4 km double-tracked trail and skating track
  • Kinsmen Park
    (Spadina Crescent West, across from the Mendel Art Gallery, or 6th Avenue entrance to Kinsmen Park, beside the YWCA)
    There is a 2 km single-tracked trail and lighted skating track
  • Saskatoon Zoo & Forestry Farm Park
    (Attridge Drive off Circle Drive)
    NOTE: the park gate closes at 4 pm.
  • Wildwood Golf Course
    (8th Street East)
    There is an Outside Loop with a 5.8 km double- tracked trail and skating track,
    and a second Loop from Wildwood Golf Course to Lakewood Civic Centre