DesBarres Manor Inn is Nova Scotia?s gourmet getaway destination. Nova Scotia's 2008 Cuisine of the Year, this 10 room bed & breakfast inn combines the luxury of a boutique hotel with warm Maritime hospitality.
DesBarres Manor Inn is Nova Scotias gourmet getaway destination. Nova Scotia’s 2008 Cuisine of the Year, this 10 room bed & breakfast inn combines the luxury of a boutique hotel with warm Maritime hospitality.
Products: With a range of vacation getaway packages, DesBarres Manor is for couples seeking for a romantic getaway and a luxury retreat in unspoiled nature. Getaway packages include a romance getaway, golf getaway, dining getaway, gourmet getaway and more.
Environment: DesBarres Manor Inn has a number of environmental initiatives including an organic chef’s garden, guest recycling and water management program and energy efficient light bulbs.
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